Accessibility information

Studio Nokkasiili is located in Helsinki at Katajanokka. The studio’s address is Luotsikatu 3.

Our aim is to make Studio Nokkasiili as accessible as possible, but unfortunately the space is not completely physically accessible.

The studio has an accessible entry from the stairwell corridor. The main entrance to the studio has a small step in front of the door.

Here are measurements and pictures of the doors at the studio and  the height of the steps in each door.

Front door (main entrance)
Door width 75cm
Step in front of door 16cm tall
Doorstep about 6 cm tall

Door to stairwell corridor (accessible entry)
Step in front of door about 5 cm tall
Doorstep about 3cm tall
Door width 78cm

Backdoor (accessible entry from the stairwell corridor)
Door width 75,5cm
Doorstep about 4 cm tall

Personal assistants are welcome to come with to the studio .
Please contact Apila beforehand if you need help entering the studio. We are happy to help.


The studio has one gender neutral toilet. The toilet and it’s doorway is unfortunately quite small.

WC door measurements:
Width of door 57 cm
Height of door 174 cm
Doorstep 1+4 cm

Here are pictures of the toilet and the measurements inside the toilet.

Around the toilet seat there is 27cm space to the left before the wall. On the rigth there is 40cm space to the sink and 100 cm to the wall.
In front of the toilet seat there is 58 cm if space.

We have aimed to take into account all body shapes when choosing the furniture at the studio.
Clients can lay down on a massage table, recline on a tattoo chair or sit on a chair while getting tattooed. We have tried our best to accommodate all body sizes in our massage tables, client chairs and arms rests to provide a comfortable to tattooing experience for every body.

We try to use non-scented or mildly scented lotions, cleaning equipment and other materials in the tattooing process and at the studio. Please be mindful of people with hypersensitivity to perfumed products and retreat from using perfumed products during the day of your appointment.

We aim to be mindful of others’ allergies. We can offer substitute materials in the tattoo process if you are allegric to some materials that might be used in the tattooing process. We go through the tattoo ink incredients before starting tattooing. 
We use disposable nitrile gloves when tattooing which are safe for those with latex allergy.

Please let us know beforehand, if you are severely allergic to a specific food or an ingredient. This way we can avoid storing or using that allergen at the studio on the day of your appointment.

We try to keep the possible noise, music and the volume of the conversation at a level that is comfortable for everyone. We can turn off the music at your request.

Apila Tattoo
apilatattoo ︎

Studio Nokkasiili
Luotsikatu 3
00160 Helsinki

Apila Tattoo
apilatattoo ︎

Studio Nokkasiili
Luotsikatu 3
00160 Helsinki